
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Mish Mish With Some Pics

Hey fam! How is it going!?

I hope your 4th of July was awesome! It sounds like you guys had a fun time with all of your summer activities and stadium of fire! Sorry mom that you had to stay home... and that Dax is a baby lol! He would never survive Chile as a street dog! I am glad he is there with you guys in a nice warm home :) Fourth of July here was uneventful... except for we had a zone class and the majority of us are gringos so we sang the star spangled banner and had cookies and milk in behalf of Independance day :) That was fun! To be honest though... i would have rather had a barbeque and a parade.. I can't complain too much though! 

This week was pretty rough! We had some struggles with some of the ward members, but we prayed and fasted and are trying to do the Christ like thing. I think it is good I don't know much Spanish, or I might have said a few words that I regretted... I should always wait like 20 minutes before I respond when I am angry lol! I am learning so much here... like patience and how to be more positive. I really needed this mission.. no lie. 

This week I gained a stronger testimony of who I am and what my purpose in life is... it makes me sad when I talk to people and they don't know that they have eternal potential and that they are children of God. I am so grateful that I have the gospel to help me remember what I knew in the premortal life, and that I know the atonement can help me with my trials. I know that through sharing the gospel our testimonies are strengthened. 

Love you guys so much! Sorry about the short email.... I am sending over some pictures from here so that you can have more of a gestimation of where I am :) I love you guys!

Hugs and Kisses!
Hermana Sommerfeld

a view from a members house

the pollution makes it so there is a pretty sunset

another sunset

Hermana Hernandez and me

It is cold outside, and wet

making gringo food for the members... brownies

one of the roads that goes on forever

our puppy!!! I feed him sometimes and he sleeps right here when it rains

sloppy joes for the members.. Im such a great cook!

so you know you are in the country when.. you walk your donkey

another sunset

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