I am kind of jealous that you guys are spending thanksgiving in the United States, because we aren't going to do anything here! Well the sister that replaced Hermana Nava is a gringa!!!!!! So I am not hte only gringa in our zone anymore and we are going to do something special this week :D SUPER YAY! we are thinking on making pancakes. I bought waffles today which makes me really hpapy too.. I feel like I am missing all things American at this time of year :( I was feeling like it is not Christmas time, but Sister Guadolupe put up a huge christmas tree in her house and we were able to help decorate it.. With the lights and everything it made me feel like home :) Just for that one little moment! I think it will be awesome to spend the Holiday season here in Chile serving the Lord... what better way to show what I am grateful for?
Okay so in light of Thanksgiving this week I jsut wanted to give you a little list of the little things i am grateful for.. I am keeping a list here every day (3 things.. thanks mom for your suggestion :D) ...
I am grateful for:
1. Pirque.
2. Every single letter and thought and prayer that I recieve from my family and friends at home.
3. Nature. the trees . the birds. the sky. all those beautiful things that I enjoy every day. not grateful for spiders.
4. The sun.. because now I am not supper supper gringa only kinda gringa.
5. Personal study in the mornings. because I am able to recieve revelation on a deeper level and strengthen my testimony through the study of the scriptures.
6. my companion and her patience with me.
7. The book of Mormon. no joke... can't explain how much it has helped me change, and the powerful effect it can have on people.
8. my mom, my dad, my sisters, my brother, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends.
9. Spanish.
10. prayer.
11. my drawing pad... really comes in handy those bad days that I have to take out all my stress...
12. the mission.
13. conference talks.
14. ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!
16. food with flavor
17. all the amazing people that live in pirque and open their homes to us!
18. That spiders aren't bigger than they are.
19. my backpack as a dog fighting weapon.
20. That my ankle is doing extremely well considering.. and that i have the excuse to walk a little bit slow so I have time to smell the roses and watch the sunsets.
21. Speaking of.. i love sunsets.
22. p days.
23. sundays.
24. the wonderful members that make sure we are never lacking anything..
25. the internet so i can write you.
26. big trees that give amazingly refreshing shade.
27. well everythign else... I can't list all the little things but there are so many that I am grateful for!
Yep... so for my spiritual thought this week..... you guys should read the talk by Elder Perry titled Perfect Love Casteth out Fear. It talks about if we really have love for our neighbors we shouldn't be afraid to talk to them about the gospel.. .IT is an awesome talk and I know that it would really help you guys with the mission work at home because it has really ehlped me here :) Everything else is doing just awesome! WE had another experience this week...
We had an amazing lesson with Maria this week. She was raised really catholic and when we taught her about the book of mormon she kept on saying there is one bible! one God! one bible! We started trying to convince her about the book of mormon and I felt liek .. shoot we shouldn't be trying to convince her.. the spirit should be convincing her, adn I took a step back and stopped talking and tryed to listen to the spirit. Then I felt a prompting that I should show her a scripture in the bible. I asked her to bring us her bible, adn told her to read Juan 10:16 17. She read it outloud than i told her ... this is talking about hte book of mormon. Then I gave her my book of mormon and told her to read 3 Nefi 15:16 17 which says the same thing. She just went silent after wards and looked and studyed my book of mromon and she noticed in the footnotes it has references to the bible. It was so cool, because she had a light go off in her head and realized that we weren't teaching that the book of Mormon was our bible, but the two go hadn in hand. Then she read the introduction to the book of mormon with us.. and said "I want to know the truth. The whole truth. I know the catholic church isn't true." Wow. We just got quiet and then she said.. the catholic has part.. but your church has all of it? We said yes, and testified that she has to pray to know.. She then asked us how we baptized in our church... We explained about baptism and just about when were to set a date the phone rang.!!!!! Chutttaa. But it is okay, because we know that the next lesson with her will be awesome, and since she has the desire to know if the church is true, she will recieve an answer! It is awesome!!!
what more? oh yeah I go to a special doctor this week the ENT.. to see waht is going on with my sinuses and hwy Ihave a sinus infection every other week! so frustrating! but I am praying that it will help me! I think that my migraines have been worse because of the problem with my sinuses so it should solve 2 problems at once! Praying!
I love you guys with allllsss of my heart!!! I hope that you have an AMAZING WEEK! i CAN'T WAIT to talk to you at Christmas.. I am working at losing weight so you will be able to recognize me from skype... ha ha just kidding! ONE MONTH!!!! four more p days!!!
Yep. Love you guys so much!!! Hugs and kisses!"
Hermana sommerfeld